科迪赫夫纳, Cincinnati Museum Center, (513) 608-5777, chefner@minnmortgage.com
辛辛那提儿童医院的博·麦克米兰 bo.mcmillan@cchmc.org

Cincinnati Museum Center teaming up with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to host COVID vaccine clinic for children

12月12日接种疫苗者可免费入场. 29

CINCINNATI – Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) is teaming up with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center to help vaccinate children against COVID-19 during a free clinic at 结合终端 on Wednesday, 12月29日. No appointment is necessary for the clinic, which will run from 9 a.m. 到2点.m.

这家诊所面向5至11岁的儿童, but older children and adults can also receive the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine at no charge, 除了流感疫苗.

Clinical trials at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital have demonstrated that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective for children as well as adults, 和 medical center has vaccinated thousands of young children since the vaccine was authorized for ages 5 to 11.

“Our community is continuing to push back against the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination remains the path to beating this virus. We all have to do our part by getting the shot for ourselves, 我们的家庭和我们的社区,伊丽莎白·皮尔斯说, 总统 & 辛辛那提博物馆中心首席执行官. “With a significant portion of our guests falling in that 5-11 age range, we’re excited to partner with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to protect our young guests and our community.”

As an added incentive and to make the vaccine more accessible to the community, 包括中央军委和南希 & 大卫·沃尔夫大屠杀 & 人类中心 (HHC) are offering free admission for that day to anyone receiving their vaccine at 结合终端 on 12月29日. 另外, both CMC and HHC will offer free museum admission through January 31 to any child who shows proof of COVID vaccination.

“Everyone who gets vaccinated is doing something heroic. 他们在尽自己的一份力量来保护他们的社区. We want to encourage and reward our young superheroes for offering their arm in this fight against COVID-19,皮尔斯补充道。.

Mayor-elect Aftab Pureval will tour the clinic during the event to show his support and to encourage other parents to get their children vaccinated.

苏珊Wade-Murphy, RN, 病人服务助理副总裁, who oversees COVID vaccination clinics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, said CMC offers a great opportunity to reach children enjoying their winter break who might have been too busy before to get vaccinated.

“Vaccinating them now will ensure they return to school protected while also giving them free entrance to Cincinnati Museum Center,韦德-墨菲说. “虽然我们的重点仍然是孩子, we want to reach anyone who is ready to receive the COVID vaccine – including parents, 祖父母和其他社区成员. Our goal is to reach anyone visiting Cincinnati Museum Center, and we are also conducting outreach to the nearby West End neighborhood.”

Wade-Murphy noted that along with the arrival of cold weather, the flu season has begun. “We are providing both flu and COVID vaccines in one setting, 你可以选择一个或两个,”她说。. “你.S. 疾病控制中心 & Prevention fully approves getting both vaccines at the same time. 它非常安全,效率也很高.”


Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized, award-winning institution housed in a National Historic Landmark. CMC is a vital community resource that sparks curiosity, inspiration, epiphany and dialogue. CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012, one of a select few museums in the nation to receive both honors. CMC内的组织包括 辛辛那提历史博物馆, 自然历史博物馆 & 科学, 儿童博物馆, 罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭影院® 剧院, 辛辛那提历史图书馆和档案馆盖尔收藏与研究中心. Housed in historic 结合终端 – a National Historic Landmark restored in 2018 and recognized as the nation’s 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects – CMC welcomes more than 1.8 million visits annually, making it one of the most visited museums in the country. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 0iwr437l.minnmortgage.com.

The $85 million Champion More Curiosity campaign is shaping Cincinnati Museum Center’s future while creating generations of critical thinkers to power the innovation of our region. By Championing More Curiosity and helping build the future of Cincinnati Museum Center, 你们可以推动我们地区的经济繁荣. Champion More Curiosity will build or reimagine over a dozen permanent exhibits and galleries and equip state-of-the-art labs for cutting-edge research for students from elementary grades to post-docs. Today’s wide-eyed explorers will be tomorrow’s innovators. We work shoulder-to-shoulder to engage our community in monumental moments of epiphany, 奇迹和联系. 因为我们激励着每一代人去学习, 在辛辛那提博物馆中心茁壮成长, 我们支持更多的好奇心. Consider making a lifelong impact by donating in support of Championing More Curiosity at www.supportcmc.org.