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玛雅:展览 在美国辛辛那提博物馆中心首次亮相

Exhibition invites guests to immerse themselves in Maya culture through over 300 original artifacts

CINCINNATI – Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) is bringing the mysteries of the Maya to the United States for the first time. 玛雅:展览 immerses guests in a sophisticated civilization buried in the heart of the rainforest. 宾客可以在CMC发掘一个充满创新者和神的世界.

玛雅:展览 特色超过300个原始对象,详细的日常生活, 宗教, 玛雅人的政治和创新. The exhibit design features the civilization’s iconic stepped pyramids and the vibrant colors of Maya artwork. Pristinely preserved clay and stucco figurines and elaborate jade and gold jewelry showcase their artistry. Hieroglyphs carved into massive stone slabs demonstrate their sophisticated writing and passion for history. Large stone carvings and massive stucco sculptures portray the large pantheon of Maya deities. And tools and everyday items reveal the foods, work and play that defined daily life. Interactive elements allow guests to get a more intimate look at certain objects and to even manipulate data from modern archaeological equipment that is allowing for greater discoveries.

“Discoveries of the last 20 years have transformed our understanding of the people and why the great Maya cities were abandoned in the heart of Central America,Dave Duszynski说道, 水星博物馆服务公司的总裁, 辛辛那提博物馆中心的子公司. “Never before has such a spectacular set of Maya artifacts traveled to North America. We are thankful that 危地马拉 is sharing these amazing national treasures with Cincinnati.”

The Maya flourished in cities of stone carved into the jungles of Mexico, 危地马拉, 伯利兹, 洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多. Their civilization dates as far back as 3400 BCE but reached its height in 600 CE, a period when its population density surpassed every other in the world. 他们对科学的理解, astronomy and mathematics was equal to or greater than other world cultures. 他们是早期的颠覆者——发明家, innovators and geniuses whose accomplishments continue to shape our daily lives.

By studying the stars they developed a calendar more accurate than any other in the world. Their utilization of the number zero opened the door for advanced mathematics. Rubber balls were essential to Maya sports centuries before the “discovery” of vulcanized rubber. 他们向世界介绍了巧克力.
“With the Maya we can explore and see how people without any contact to other civilizations in Europe, 非洲和亚洲也有类似的想法, 发明和解决方案,”医生说。. 尼古拉·格鲁伯,博物馆馆长 玛雅:展览 and professor of anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn.

While the exhibition looks back at the height of the Maya civilization, it also acknowledges the millions today who still speak a Mayan language and the many more who are direct descendants. Far from being a lost or ancient civilization, the Maya thrive today in renewed vibrancy.

玛雅文明从未消失. 他还. “This was a very romanticized 19th century European perspective on the Maya. 雨林中的大城市失去了什么. The Maya of today preserve many ideas, languages and forms of living of their ancestors.”

The exhibition also includes a section focusing on the archaeological work the University of Cincinnati is doing at Maya sites in Central America. 三十多年来, 加州大学的研究人员进行了研究, fieldwork and analysis to better understand the Maya and what may have led to the abandonment of their large cities. Their research reveals details about how the Maya managed their land, forest and water resources and how they perceived the world around them. The gallery invites guests to consider how the strategies of Maya innovation and adaptation might apply to parallel challenges we face today.

“Although the culture is ancient, Maya sent a very modern message,” adds Dr. 他还. “They were able to live in a tropical jungle without destroying it and they developed a very sophisticated agricultural system, which included the construction of terraces and a system of canals for collecting, 管理和保护水资源, 即使在干旱季节. 这对我们所有人来说都是节约资源的宝贵一课.”

玛雅:展览 在美国辛辛那提博物馆中心首次亮相. 展览将持续到2020年9月7日. 网上赌搏网站十大排行cincymuseum.Org/maya了解更多信息或购买门票.

玛雅:展览 is produced by MuseumsPartner in collaboration with the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (MUNAE) and La Ruta Maya Foundation in 危地马拉. It is supported by the Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes de 危地马拉.



Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized institution and national historic landmark. 致力于激发社区对话, 洞察力和灵感, CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012. CMC is one of a select few museums in the nation with both of these honors, 使其成为独特的资产和重要的社区资源. 结合终端 has been voted the nation's 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects. Organizations within CMC include the 辛辛那提历史博物馆, 杜克能源儿童博物馆, 自然历史博物馆 & 《网上赌搏网站十大排行》,罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭影院® 剧院和辛辛那提历史图书馆 & 档案. Recognized by Forbes Traveler Magazine as the 17th most visited museum in the country, CMC每年接待游客超过100万人次. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行0iwr437l.minnmortgage.com.