
被当地和全国媒体称为“交通圣殿”, 从很多方面来说,联合航站楼都是辛辛那提梦想成真的地方. For 50 years, various plans had been put forward for a unified rail station in Cincinnati. Finally it had arrived, and it was undoubtedly one of the finest stations ever built.


这几乎是一座城中城. 主广场提供各种各样的商店:一家书店, 玩具商店, 男人的商店, 女装店, 食品服务, 报摊,甚至还有空调电影院. 男女都可以使用带有连接卫生间的大型休息室, 还有擦鞋店和理发店. 厕所里甚至还为长途旅行的乘客提供了浴缸. Practically everything but a bed was available, and all was decorated in the stunning Art Deco style.


从组织上来说,这座建筑是一个奇迹. 进入的车辆被分成了三条坡道. The first ramp served taxis and cars, the second buses, and the last was for streetcars. 而有轨电车线路从未连接, the other two dropped passengers off on the north side ramps then proceeded under the rotunda and came up on the south side where ramps brought passengers down to the vehicles to depart. Thus all arriving and departing traffic was split between the two sides of the rotunda and wouldn’t get in each other’s way. 1933年开业时, the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper declared "An enormous throng can be handled in the great rotunda without annoying a single passenger.如今,北侧坡道是自然历史博物馆的一部分 & 科学馆和南边的坡道是辛辛那提历史博物馆的一部分.

巨大的180英尺宽106英尺高的圆形大厅, 如今是西半球最大的半圆顶, 是主空间. 当这座建筑在1933年开放时, 它连接到另一个重要的空间, 火车大厅, 一个450英尺长的结构,坐落在下面的轨道上. Here 16 train gates connected to the platforms where passengers and baggage would be loaded or unloaded from the train. 行李由旅客在托运大厅托运, 今天在OMNIMAX®影院前面的区域, 然后用电梯把它送到下层进行分类. A tunnel ran out from the baggage room under the tracks and ramps lead up from this tunnel to the platforms above. This allowed baggage to be handled out of the way of passengers so that the two would not get in the way of each other.


The reality that 结合终端 was born into was far different than her builders had dreamed of six years before. 大萧条重创了铁路行业, 乘火车旅行的人数也在下降. Some wondered whether building such a massive structure had in fact been wise and some even labeled the building a white elephant. 尽管它的开幕大张旗鼓, 在最初的几年里,联合航站楼绝对是安静的.

1937年联合码头洪水Higher than average rainfall along the Ohio River and its tributaries in January 1937 set the stage for Cincinnati’s highest and most disastrous flood. 到1月26日, 这条河的最高水位达到令人难以置信的80英尺, 汉密尔顿县约45平方英里的区域被淹没, 超过61个,有1万名居民无家可归.

Efforts had been made from the very start of the terminal project to make the facility safe from Millcreek Valley flooding by raising the tracks and other facilities above the level of the highest previous recorded flood. 1937年的洪水把码头变成了一座孤岛. 霍普金斯大学街, 肯纳街和弗里曼大道, 以及通往航站楼广场的整个入口, 在洪水高峰时被淹没了吗. 但即使在80英尺高的地方,航站楼本身也基本上是高而干燥的. Flooding on the lower levels of the building did not affect the tracks and platforms and other passenger facilities in the building.

在洪水的高峰期, 联合终点站仍然有南方铁路的列车, although electricity for lights and switches had to be provided by portable generators. 三条铁路(宾夕法尼亚,B&O, and New York Central) continued their operations from suburban stations during the flood, 而C&O, L&N和诺福克 & 西部铁路最终被迫停止了所有的火车. Passengers coming into the station by Southern Railroad had to be taken to the Fourth Street Station by a C&O穿梭列车.


联合航站楼很快就成为皇后城的一颗明珠. Everything from post cards to advertisements used 结合终端’s iconic architecture as a backdrop. But 结合终端 would not be relegated to the role of scenic background for advertisers. As war loomed in Europe, the United States began preparing for the possibility of war. 1941年6月, the first Troops in Transit Lounge of the United Service Organizations (USO) opened in 结合终端 to care for the increasing number of troops travelling by rail. 在美国加入二战之后, 通过联合航站楼大楼的部队数量激增, 达到了战争时期的峰值34岁,1944年,每天有1000人死亡. By war’s end, the facility had served millions of troops, service personnel and their families.

第二次世界大战结束后,乘火车旅行的人数急剧下降. As airlines and highways took over as the primary means of travel in the United States, 通过联合车站的火车越来越少. By 1972, 当联合航站楼作为火车站关闭时, only two trains per day were passing through a station designed to handle 216 trains per day.

  • 联合航站楼USO休息室, the first transit lounge in the country and one of the first USO lounges established, 在种族融合和宗教间合作方面是否领先于时代. 在它服役的五年里, the 结合终端 USO lounge served nearly 3 million servicemen and servicewomen, 约占二战士兵总数的五分之一.
  • 美国联合服务组织公司(USO)成立于华盛顿特区.C.1941年4月17日. 辛辛那提分会于5月27日成立, 6月8日,在联合航站楼的卢克伍德休息室设立了“服务室”.
  • Local women baked pretzels, donuts and cookies, which became their signature item. The USO lounge at 结合终端 was managed by Bailey Wright Hickenlooper and had three vice-chairs, 每个犹太人一个, 新教和天主教信仰. 志愿者也来自各种宗教背景. USO的跨宗教合作远远领先于当时的美国.
  • 夫人. 哈珀Sibley, USO全国董事会成员,全国USO主席的妻子, praised Cincinnati "for being the first city in the country to sense the great need for aiding troops in transit," with the 结合终端 USO lounge "the first center to be opened for the convenience of service men."
  • 1月12日, 1942, the casualty room was opened in a room adjoining the Rookwood Lounge that provided six screened cots for wounded and non-wounded servicemen to rest. 12月. 28, 1942, the USO furnished three rooms on the second floor with 55 bunk beds for soldiers to rest in.
  • 不像辛辛那提的很多地方, 联合航站楼的公共空间保持一体化, 包括USO休息室.
  • 当饼干的消耗量达到100块时,000 /月, the Cincinnati USO organized a baking and distribution schedule with volunteers from the Protestant Council of Churches, 天主教妇女协会和犹太妇女俱乐部联合会.
  • 安妮·特蕾西, a local Cincinnati woman who had geared up activity in 1940 with visions of utilizing the Rookwood Lounge before the USO formed, was a volunteer at 结合终端’s USO station and was asked to write a series of policies and rules for the lounge in 1943. First among the 20 guidelines was that "There is no color or racial discrimination in the service of the USO."
  • Another guideline stipulated that there would be no discrimination between servicemen and servicewomen. 这些指导方针被全国其他USO中转休息室效仿, 到1943年初,其中94家已经开业.
  • 为了更有效地迎合士兵的妻子和家人, 联合客运大楼USO在联合客运大楼入口上方设立了一个育婴室. 这个托儿所每天平均有六个孩子.
  • 1945年6月, 72,695名士兵在联合航站楼USO休息室度过了时光, 哪个在1945年是24小时开放的. The busiest month was July 1945, when 81,153 soldiers visited the 结合终端 lounge.

来源:C. 沃克Gollar, Ahead of their Time: 安妮·特蕾西 and the Senior Women of the Cincinnati 结合终端 USO Lounge in Ohio Valley History, 2013年春季.